All About Caroline Farmer

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Manage Expectations and Over Deliver

Under Promise and Over Deliver is really hitting home to me right now. Rodney told me these exact words when I was hours into my career and I ended up learning the same thing during my 500+ hours of Xinnix training. I take this into consideration in all facets of my life, not just in my business.

Nothing irritates me more than someone not doing what they said that they would do. On many occasions, I have interacted with people that wanted to make me happy during our conversation so they promise me all of this stuff that would be impossible to deliver. Sure, it gets my inital attention and sometimes I even let myself get excited. I am usually infuriated by the end because they didn't live up to what they promised. You know you have been in this situation too. They make these ridiculous promises to get you in the door. Sadly, it works.

I don't like the phrase "Under Promise and Over Deliver." Over Delivering and WOW-ing your customers is good business. The under promise piece is what I don't like. I don't want to offer my clients the bare minimum, but it is important to me to manage my client's expectations. I realize that no one gets excited and comes through the door if your initial offer isn't strong. With that being said, I want to be honest and realistic with the people that I work with. Honestly, I can promise that I will work my tail off to make my clients happy and do everything in my power to ensure they have the a painless mortgage experience. Securing a home mortgage takes work and I want my clients to see that I am willing to put in whatever it takes to make things work for them. After a hectic few days, I had one of my borrowers write a nice sentence in an email today:

I'm sure you work hard and diligently on all your files, but I really appreciate everything you are doing for me. - BORROWER

That is exactly what I needed this afternoon. This borrower and I have worked hard to get everything cleared through Underwriting. We aren't at the finish line yet - but we will get there and then we will celebrate!!

After much coaching and reading, I have come up with my own phrase: Manage Expectations and Over Deliver. This is how I will operate my business and I hope people will see the value in that.

I can't promise you that I will close your loan in a matter of days with absolutely no fees. That isn't realistic. In fact, that is crazy (but there are groups that will hook people with promises just like that). Dave Ramsey just posted on his facebook fanpage: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. He was talking about making financial moves - youre typical "get rich quick" schemes are usually a bust but we can take it and use it in the mortgage industry. What I can promise you is that I will work my hardest and stick by you no matter what we face during your loan process. I will do everything in my power to place you the right mortgage program for you and your family and once you are there, I will work with you every step of the way. There won't be a day that goes by that you feel like you don't know what is going on.

Please feel free to leave comments on how you feel about this business strategy. I would love to hear everyone's opinion!





1 comment:

  1. Not a case of 'mortgage gal' over promising always: Many times other component parts of a real estate transaction OVER PROMISE...but many times it is the UNDER DELIVERY part that really makes it hard for these things to end on a GOOD NOTE. As an agent of real estate for many years, I have heard agents making promises they could never deliver on- and when it goes ugly for them- they BLAME....well, whomever they can think of--who to throw under the bus? The old adage about a chain being only as strong as its weakest link has never been truer--I say let's make the chain solid with some good old HONEST work and HARD truth.
